We catch cheating partners! Private Investigators – Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch & Nationwide.
October 28, 2024

When love goes bad and relationships turn ugly, there is only one team to contact.
We are team of private investigators specialising in pre-date checks, background inquiries, infidelity investigations, private investigations, relationship investigations and sensitive personal investigations.
We have been serving clients from all walks of life from labourers and trades people to corporate executives and housewives. Our clients are both males and females in ages ranging between 18 and 80! We are New Zealand’s most effective, professional and highly-skilled private investigators. We use modern investigation and surveillance techniques to investigate a new era of infidelity. Are you looking for a private investigator in Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch? Cheaters is powered by a team of reputable and experienced private investigators throughout New Zealand.
Do you suspect your spouse or partner may be cheating?
You deserve to know the truth.
Statistics have suggested that one in five married men have been unfaithful and one in ten women have been involved in some type of relationship outside of their marriage or away from their partner. So if you’ve been suspicious about the activities of your spouse, partner or significant other, you’re not alone! This is one of our most in demand personal investigation services. Although many cases are often time-sensitive, our private investigators are experts in managing personal and relationship investigations. Once we have discussed the circumstances of your particular case we will be in a position to give you an idea on how much investigation your situation may take. Some investigations can be straightforward, and other assignments can be more time consuming. We are typically engaged to prove infidelity, verify information, provide surveillance, gather evidence and locate family owned assets or relationship property.
Find out who they are calling, meeting or texting.
Pre-date checks
Make sure you are safe… always.
Online dating is the new and accepted way to meet someone. Who are you meeting? Who are you really talking to online? We provide a confidential investigation service to ensure the person you are meeting or dating is not a romance scammer! Don’t have the time and know where to start? We provide the answers to the questions you maybe asking yourself about your new friend or lover; it’s a common-sense approach to dating and meeting people online in a modern world. Is your new online partner married or in a relationship? Is he or she really who they say they are? Let us work in the background to ensure you are safe and not a victim of a romance scam or something more sinister. When you need to know more about a person you are dating or meeting, conducting a discreet background check is the best way to keep you safe. Date check is a quick, confidential and cost-effective. Date check is carried out by New Zealand’s most experienced private investigators. It’s an investment that could save you a lot of stress and anxiety in the future.
You deserve peace of mind.
Relationship investigations
When something doesn’t feel right.
The moment you have a suspicion is the moment to act. If you think your partner is cheating, there’s no shame in trying to confirm whether they are or not. At worst you will be able to discover the truth and can move on with your life. At best you will be at peace knowing that your partner can be trusted, reaffirming your investment in the relationship. It’s a win-win situation, we are here to help you achieve it – in a strictly confidential manner and with a stellar degree of professionalism. Maybe your spouse or partner has recently developed a pattern of arriving home later than usual. Or perhaps they’re being abnormally secretive with their phone or device. Maybe your spouse or partner is getting defensive for no apparent reason. Our relationship and personal investigations ensure that you are constantly updated while the investigation is happening and receive a comprehensive report with copy of the surveillance footage. Tangible evidence will benefit you and your conscience. Let our private investigators obtain incontestable proof so you can take charge of the situation and find out whether your spouse or partner is being unfaithful.
Gain the knowledge, gain the power.
Get evidence with discreet surveillance.
What is surveillance? Despite what you may see on TV or in the movies, our private investigators do not break the law to obtain photos or video documentation on your behalf. Our surveillance agents must comply with all New Zealand laws whilst gathering evidence. Cheaters consists of a licensed private investigation team with over 50 years of front line experience conducting discreet and legal surveillance on behalf of private clients. What is surveillance evidence? Our private investigators and surveillance agents keep detailed notes on their observations during an assignment. They also provide both still photos and video footage. Professionally executed surveillance is a high-level skill that requires years of experience and the use of modern surveillance techniques. Whether you suspect child neglect, a cheating spouse or partner, our private investigators and surveillance agents are ready to assist you.
Discreet surveillance anywhere, anytime.
Is your child safe?
We help to safeguard children.
Your child’s health and wellbeing are paramount. If you suspect that your child is not getting the love, care, and attention they need from your ex-spouse or partner, it’s time to uncover the truth. One of the most disputed issues in the New Zealand Family Court is child custody related matters. Fighting for child custody after a divorce or relationship separation can quickly become stressful and unpleasant. One of the main issues for consideration by the Family Court is the health and welfare of the child. The Family Court will make a child custody decision based on what is always in the best interests of the child, which includes ensuring they will have their essential needs met. Like you, we value family. If you share custody of your children, are working your way through a difficult custody battle, or believe that your ex-spouse or partner is not paying their fair share of child support, we can help. The happiness and health of your children mean the world to you – we understand. Unfortunately, not all parents feel the same, and some fall into abusive or neglectful behaviours. Give your children the protection they deserve, our private investigators are committed to delivering market leading private investigation services. Family matters are one of our specialist areas, we have the skills, experience, and sensitivity to uncover the truth – whatever that may be.
Experts in child custody matters.
Are you being stalked?
Let us take control.
Whether it’s your spouse or former partner that you’re suspicious of putting you under surveillance, you have every right to find out the truth – after all, your fears might also be unfounded. But just to be sure, there are certain measures you can take and tools you can use to protect your privacy. Some counter surveillance measures we undertake include physical searches and electronic sweeps designed to ensure you are not being bugged, spied upon or listened to. We can detect hidden cameras, scramble unseen signals and create white noise that will mask sounds and prevent other people from undertaking unauthorised voice detection and recording activities inside your home. With our professional, discreet and thorough counter surveillance strategies, you’ll regain your life and finally enjoy the peace of mind you seek. Have you and your spouse or partner gone your separate ways? Was your parting less than ideal, perhaps an emotionally charged separation? Were you attacked or threatened in any way? If you and your partner or spouse have been living apart for whatever reason, and you feel that he or she may act in a way that violates your privacy, we can help you regain your security and your peace of mind. Whether your suspicions have a clear basis, or you feel they may be the product of an overactive imagination, the threat of privacy invasion is very real. Unfortunately, modern technology and the internet do provide scope for unscrupulous individuals to gain unauthorised access into the lives of others. With our expert assistance, you can get your life back.
We trace and track stalkers.
Background checks.
Do you know who they really are?
When you need to know more about a person, conducting a background check is the best way to gather information. People who are entering into an intimate or online relationship often perform background checks as a prerequisite. Our private investigators specialises in managing background checks of individuals in New Zealand. What kind of information does a background check reveal? A person’s past behaviour is a solid indicator of their character. Human beings tend to be creatures of habit and are likely to stick with what they know. This can include anti-social, criminal or undesirable behaviour. It is best to know about a person’s history before you become involved in any type of relationship. Of course, the type of information we obtain and or investigate depends on your requirements. We guarantee that all information remains private and confidential, you can be assured that we are always discreet.
Get peace of mind with a background check.
Are they cheating?
Red flags of infidelity.
There are many indicators of possible infidelity in a relationship, here are just a few of many red flags. Do they come home late more regularly? Do they avoid picking up their mobile phone immediately when you call them? This can mean that they are with another person and want to make sure they are alone before talking with you. Do they miss telephone calls when in the same room as you or leave the room to take a call? They will not want you to overhear their conversations if they are cheating. Have they started to care more about how they look? If they are suddenly dressing up more, this might mean they are trying to impress a new partner. Are they talking a little too much about a certain person in their life, whether a new friend or a co-worker? An increased interest in someone else could lead to cheating or may mean they are already acting on infidelity. Do they check their messages or emails at strange times? This could mean they are hiding something from you. Are they avoiding having sexual intercourse with you? Or want more sex? Cheating can lead to a decreased or an increased interest in intimate relations. Do they shower immediately after returning home? This could mean they are washing the scent of another person’s perfume or aftershave. Do they keep their mobile phone on them at all times, even in the bathroom? A person who is engaging in calls and texts while cheating will not leave their electronics lying around and will be very possessive over their devices and mobile phones.
Concerned or suspicious? Contact us.
Private investigators.
What do we do?
The role of a private investigator is to gather evidence and present them to you neutrally and factually. This allows you to make a clear decision and removes the risk of you making any false accusations that could in itself be damaging to your relationship. By using one of our private investigators, you can exclude yourself from any involvement in the investigation, eliminating the chances of you being exposed. In the case where there has been no cheating, you have saved yourself a potentially distressing conversation with your spouse and now have peace of mind. Our infidelity and relationship investigations ensure that you are constantly updated during the progress of your investigation. Solid evidence and tangible proof will benefit you and your conscience. Let our private investigators obtain incontestable proof so you can take charge of the situation and find out whether your spouse or partners is being unfaithful. When you need peace of mind and need to know the truth, we can help.
Need a private investigator? We are ready to assist you.
Why trust us?
You can trust us to reveal the truth and give you the peace of mind you deserve. We have over 50 years of experience providing discreet personal and relationship focused investigations for people from all walks of life. We guarantee discretion, professionalism and confidentiality at all times.
Contact The Neill Group (TNG) – Call 0800 482 738.
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